dimarts, 9 d’abril del 2013

Estil eclèctic en estat pur

De nou una d'aquelles cases amb barreja d'estils que tant m'agrada.... l'atreviment en els colors foscos de les parets m'apassiona i la mescla de mobles antics i detalls nous em sembla increïble. Per cert, teniu xemeneia a casa? Jo en voldria una com aquestes!!!

De nuevo una de esas casas con mezcla de estilos que tanto me gustan.... el atrevimiento en los colores oscuros de las paredes me apasiona y la mezcla de muebles antiguos y detalles nuevos me parece increible. Por cierto, ¿tenéis chimenea en casa? Yo querría una como éstas!!!

Via House to Home

Living room | Be inspired by a dark and dramatic Victorian town house | House tour | Livingetc | PHOTO GALLERY
House to Home

Living room | Be inspired by a dark and dramatic Victorian town house | House tour | Livingetc | PHOTO GALLERY
House to Home

Dining room | Be inspired by a dark and dramatic Victorian town house | House tour | Livingetc | PHOTO GALLERY
House to Home

Master bedroom | Be inspired by a dark and dramatic Victorian town house | House tour | Livingetc | PHOTO GALLERY
House to Home

Bathroom/bedroom | Be inspired by a dark and dramatic Victorian town house | House tour | Livingetc | PHOTO GALLERY
House to Home

Bathroom | Be inspired by a dark and dramatic Victorian town house | House tour | Livingetc | PHOTO GALLERY
House to Home

Shower room | Be inspired by a dark and dramatic Victorian town house | House tour | Livingetc | PHOTO GALLERY
House to Home

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