dimarts, 19 de febrer del 2013

Una casa plena d'estils

Un moble de cada estil i de diferents tendències...... la decoració d'aquesta casa és l'exemple perfecte de com combinar-ho tot sense que perdre classe.

Un mueble de cada estilo y de diferentes tendencias.... la decoración de esta casa es el ejemplo perfecto de como combinarlo todo sin perder clase.

Via House to Home

Exterior | Take a tour around a light entertainment home | House tour | Livingetc | PHOTO GALLERY
House to Home

Living room | Take a tour around a light entertainment home | House tour | Livingetc | PHOTO GALLERY
House to Home

Seating area | Take a tour around a light entertainment home | House tour | Livingetc | PHOTO GALLERY
House to Home

Home office | Take a tour around a light entertainment home | House tour | Livingetc | PHOTO GALLERY
House to Home

Dining space | Take a tour around a light entertainment home | House tour | Livingetc | PHOTO GALLERY
House to Home

Kitchen | Take a tour around a light entertainment home | House tour | Livingetc | PHOTO GALLERY
House to Home

Bedroom | Take a tour around a light entertainment home | House tour | Livingetc | PHOTO GALLERY
House to Home

Bathroom | Take a tour around a light entertainment home | House tour | Livingetc | PHOTO GALLERY
House to Home

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