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dimarts, 18 de setembre del 2012

Encantador apartament en grisos

Com de costum passejant-me per la xarxa, vaig descobrir aquest pis que em va semblar ideal. I no només pels colors triats si no per l'elecció del mobiliari i l'estil en la decoració. Sens dubte, un dels millors pisos que us he ensenyat fins ara.

Como de costumbre paseándome por la red, he descubierto este piso que me ha parecido ideal. Y no sólo por los colores elegidos si no por la elección del mobiliario y el estilo en la decoración. Sin duda, uno de los mejores pisos que os he enseñado hasta ahora.

Via HomeLife

The furnishings add to the sense of warmth the couple were looking for.
Sharyn Cairns

‘Inax’ woven-look chimney tiles grabs attention. In supporting roles are a rattan light and a thick rug...
Sharyn Cairns

Living spaces are an interplay of textures, with an Arflex ‘Strips’ sofa by Cini Boeri.
Sharyn Cairns

Through quite strenuous renovation, Louise and Julian Thomson have created a St Kilda apartment fit for the masters.
Sharyn Cairns

Hero pieces include Charles and Ray Eames 'DSW' dining chairs, a Mark Tuckey 'Tripod' table and a Gervasoni 'Bell 95'...
Sharyn Cairns

A Sicis glass mosaic wall in the kitchen twinkles with light changes. “It’s like oil on water and very...
Sharyn Cairns

Simple elegance is in every detail, with larger furnishings, including the bedroom’s upholstered Jardan...
Sharyn Cairns

The Alvar Aalto ‘Bench 153B’ is simply adorned with a single floral stem and complimentary neutral pieces.
Sharyn Cairns

The attention to detail is evident in even the tiniest fittings, such as the Artemide ‘Tolomeo Parete’...
Sharyn Cairns

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